General management

Virginie GOUET
+331 48 24 16 97
+336 64 85 09 00
Yutha TEP
+331 48 24 16 97
+336 61 88 64 78



Innate sense of theatrical performance, a voice as supple as it is brilliant and perfect diction, inventive and always on-point acting, the young baritone Victor Sicard seems to have it all, which is confirmed by the numerous invitations from prestigious theaters and opera houses.

Victor Sicard has captured international attention since his participation in William Christie's sixth Jardin des Voix, which led him to do an international tour with the Arts Florissants Orchestra. He has had the opportunity to work with the best international ensembles, first by continuing his collaboration with Les Arts Florissants but also with Le Concert d'Astrée (Emmanuelle Haïm), Le Concert Spirituel (Hervé Niquet), the Ensemble Aedes (Mathieu Romano), Le Poème Harmonique (Vincent Dumestre), Matheus Ensemble (Jean-Christophe Spinosi), La Cappella Mediterranea (Leonardo García Alarcón), Insula Orchestra (Laurence Equilbey), and also Il Pomo d’Oro.

In the opera field, Victor Sicard is remarkable in French music, from lyric tragedy to 20th century works. This is evidenced by his incarnation of Tisiphone in L'Amour et Psyché by Mondoville with Le Concert d'Astrée (Dijon and Lille Operas, Grand Théâtre de Luxembourg) or, more recently, the roles of Jealousy and Nemesis in Idoménée by Campra again under the baton of Emmanuelle Haïm (Lille Opera, Berlin Staatsoper). Victor Sicard made his debut at the Théâtre des Champs-Élysées in Iphigénie en Tauride by Gluck (Thomas Hengelbrock and Robert Carsen) and played in the same theater Le Bonze in Le Rossignol by Stravinsky and Le Gendarme in Les Mamelles de Tirésias by Poulenc (François-Xavier Roth and Olivier Py). His debut at the Théâtre du Capitole in Toulouse was in the role of Morales in Carmen (Giuliano Carella and Jean-Louis Grinda). Subsequently, he sang with great success the role of Claude in O mon bel inconnu by Hahn directed by Émeline Bayart (Tours Opera and Théâtre de l'Athénée in Paris).

Victor assumes with equal mastery the virtuosity of Italian opera. In 18th century music, he collaborated twice with Il Pomo d'Oro (Partenope and Serse by Händel) and Les Accents by Thibault Noally (Farnace in Mitridate Eupatore by Scarlatti at the Beaune Festival and Tempo in Il Trionfo del Tempo at the Tours Opera). Unquestionably, he established a privileged collaboration with Leonardo García Alarcón and his Cappella Mediterranea: after Orlando in Il Palazzo Incantato by Rossi (Dijon, Nancy and Versailles Operas), he sang Genere umano in Il dono della vita eterna by Draghi for a tour ind the Netherlands then France (Versailles, Dijon, etc.) and created the role of Saint Peter in Leonardo García Alarcón's composition entitled La Passione di Gesù (Ambronay Festival and Namur Concert Hall).
Recently, he was able to demonstrate his gifts in Rossini with Haly in L'Italiana in Algeri with Jean-Christophe Spinosi (Festival de Beaune and Théâtre des Champs-Élysées in Paris). He performed the role of Yamadori in Puccini's Madama Butterfly at the Limoges and Rouen Operas – in this house, he also sang the role of the Mayor in Janáʆek's Jenufa. The musical creation is also successful for him: Coraline by Turnage with Arie Van Beek and in a production by Aletta Collins (Lille) or Hellebore by Philippe Forget (Limoges).

His oratorio repertoire includes Mozart's Requiem (Royal Albert Hall), Rossini's Petite Messe solennelle (Caen Theater, Massy Opera), Duruflé's Requiem (Dijon Opera), Saint John Passion (Insula Orchestra and Laurence Equilbey). Two extensive tours (Luxembourg, Lille, Versailles, Dijon, Cologne, Essen, Berlin, Stuttgart, etc.) with Le Concert d’Astrée allowed him to perform Bach’s Magnificat, Handel’s Dixit Dominus and Campra’s Requiem. Let us mention his debut with the Israel Philharmonic under the direction of Lahav Shani in Jerusalem in Bach's Magnificat.

The 2023/2024 season confirms the very wide vocal range and musical friendships of Victor Sicard: Scarlatti's Mitridate Eupatore with Les Accents (Paris, Amsterdam); reprisal of Ô mon bel inconnu by Hahn (Dijon, Rouen, Avignon and Massy); Bach cantatas with Laurence Equilbey and Insula Orchestra. Let us particularly mention his first collaboration with Jordi Savall, in the role of Apollo in Monteverdi's L'Orfeo at the Royal Opera in Versailles, in a production by Pauline Bayle.

Victor Sicard has recently recorded a CD dedicated to Ravel's melodies with pianist Anna Cardona which has been released in Spring 2020.

General management

Virginie GOUET
+331 48 24 16 97
+336 64 85 09 00
Yutha TEP
+331 48 24 16 97
+336 61 88 64 78


Prochains concerts | Concerts passés
Beaune, France
Beaune, France
Dans le cadre du Festival d'Opéra de Beaune.
Händel : Rinaldo (rôle d'Argante), version de concert.
Les Accents, Thibault Noally (violon & direction).
Avec C. Vistoli, G. Blondeel, C. Skerath, L. Garcia, A. Pichanick.
La Saussaie, France
La Saussaie, France
Dans le cadre des Musicales de Normandie.
"Aux marches du palais".
Le Poème Harmonique, Vincent Dumestre (direction).
Claire Lefilliâtre (soprano), Serge Goubioud (ténor).
Dijon, France
Dijon, France
Galuppi : L'Uomo Femina (rôle de Roberto).
Le Poème Harmonique, Vincent Dumestre (direction), Agnès Jaoui (mise en scène).
Avec E. Zaïcik, L. Richardot, V. Brunel, V. Sicard, F. Rougier, A. Séguin.
Dijon, France
Dijon, France
Galuppi : L'Uomo Femina (rôle de Roberto).
Le Poème Harmonique, Vincent Dumestre (direction), Agnès Jaoui (mise en scène).
Avec E. Zaïcik, L. Richardot, V. Brunel, V. Sicard, F. Rougier, A. Séguin.
Dijon, France
Dijon, France
Galuppi : L'Uomo Femina (rôle de Roberto).
Le Poème Harmonique, Vincent Dumestre (direction), Agnès Jaoui (mise en scène).
Avec E. Zaïcik, L. Richardot, V. Brunel, V. Sicard, F. Rougier, A. Séguin.


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